This is the guy that can be seen wandering the neighborhoods in Spring, TX selling mulch to help earn money for a crazy two-week backpacking trip in Philmont. This is the Varsity Coach of the Klein Oak ward that will be responsible for a handful of teenage boys in the middle of some mountain range in New Mexico this summer. This is the guy that can literally do anything he puts his mind to, even sewing on his own scout badges...and you can tell that he did a good job! And he hasn't ever even used a sewing machine before! This is the man that can make his wife roar with laughter as he recounts the story of using a Bulgarian woman's bathroom while trying to sell her mulch. This is the substitute teacher that writes referrals and takes away cell phones. This is the guy that is known as "Mrs. Cook" when he teaches kindergarten! This is the guy that makes the Freshman girl choir giggle when he admits that he was a Soprano in his first year of High School. This guy has some good jokes up his sleeve, even in his sleep when he tells me to put the baby on his "bach". This guy can even sing the Batman theme song in his sleep without realizing that is talent! This is the guy that will do the 20-minute shred workout with his wife because she wants him to see how hard it is. This is a family man, and a dedicated, motivated, hard-working student. This man is worth knowing!
Happy Valentines Day to you Sweetheart!
And the woman that keeps this guy going?... That's right, Mrs. Kayla Tammra!! Happy Day, Valentine. >smooch< Love, Brian
i love this. looks like he gives joe a run for his money. : ) jk
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