Our summer seemed to be one of constant change and extremes. I thought about blogging about it, but I don't really know what to say or how I feel about my summer. But I do enjoy reading what a great summer others have had. It seems surreal that people actually had a summer of swimming, vacationing, and relaxing. Our summer was anything but normal. In some ways my summer seems so far away, and in others it seems as if the season didn't come around at all, as though I am stuck in that strange period between winter and spring, summer and fall.
In a nutshell (a big nutshell) Brian finished his degree and there was still no job in sight. We were living with his parents and my obstetrician's practice closed down (weird). So I was left without an OB and it was looking like we wouldn't be in our new place before the baby came. So I told Brian we should spend the summer in Utah. It is SOOOO hot and muggy in Houston that nobody spends time outside. In fact, a lot of people around here seem to disappear during the summer, the way older folks gravitate to warmer climates during the cold season only opposite. I needed to find a new OB anyway right? We may even get a job in Utah right? I mean we did have several applications in there. So after much convincing, Brian agreed that it would be fine to go to Utah.
We had so much fun. It is hard for me to talk about it because I miss my family a ton. We stayed up late playing Mario with my little brother and sister. We celebrated my grandpa's 80th birthday which I helped plan. We spent time outside. We got to hang out with family and old friends. I'm SO endeared to Utah and would love to live there again.
So this could all get really long and complicated...in the end we moved back to Texas when I was 37 weeks pregnant (about two weeks before my baby was born). We came back to a job, but still not a place to live. I had been misguided by medicaid about getting our baby covered in Utah and it turned out to be way more expensive than we realized. We could have stayed but felt like we had better get back to Houston. It was the hardest decision I have ever made and I'm not even joking. I hated leaving! I love Utah! I had medicaid in Texas already established so we returned.
Brian and I did some house hunting hoping to find something fast. That is when we were introduced to the house we are in now. The renter before us promised to get out ASAP but in the end, August 1 was the soonest he could leave. We knew we could fall back on Brian's parents again and stay there if necessary. At the time Brian's sister was staying there for an extended period with her kids, because they too were moving and needed a place for a few weeks before there move-in date. Luckily, a lady in our old ward offered us her house, as she would be gone on vacation all summer. So we stayed there, had the baby, and moved in to our place on Aug. 1.
Now if that isn't the WORST timing you have ever heard of, I would like to know. Sheesh. Brian and I were pushed to our max this summer. We felt like we were definitely put through the refiners fire. But in the end, we came out on top and once again, have grown because of our trials. I did feel like one crazy woman though. I love the home we are in now. I love the peace that surrounds me. I love how we are literally away from the stress of daily life. I couldn't be happier...well except maybe if I could drag my family down here with me.
And now for the car. Are you dying to see this beauty?
Wait for it....
This puppy was five hundred bucks. It has a small crack in the radiator, so it leaks water. That is the ONLY thing wrong with it. AC great. Engine great. Mileage great. Tires splendid. So Brian fills the radiator with water every few days and we are set.
I have to mention here that Brian has a new found love of car detailing. I know we are weird. But he just loves cleaning. This car was quite an experiment for him. Because he has summers off, he had plenty of time on his hands. He can't stand lounging around so he put himself to work. You should have seem how much he improved the interior of this thing! The car was purchased as is, so it was in need of some serious cleaning.
Brian took the seats out of the car, shampooed them, and wiped down every inch of that thing. He found four or five pairs of reading glasses, a set of dominoes, an old McDonald's egg mcmuffin, about 11 bucks of change, a rubber ducky, and the list goes on. It was so funny...every time he came in the house he was holding another treasure.
So now he is serious about opening a car detailing business. Who wants to clean other people's cars? Let alone their own? Well my husband does. And I'm proud of him. Even more so because he wants to use his gift money from his birthday and graduation to buy the supplies. He is one of a kind.
Brian, I know that this is a clunker car, but I would rather have a car that makes you giddy because we paid with it out of our pocket, then a car that would cause stress because of a monthly payment. I admire what a knack you have for finances and your drive to be smart with our money.
And I can't believe I married a man that would rather use his "play" money on starting a business to help us earn money than he would on a newer, better phone, or an updated laptop or fashionable clothes. You are one in a million I think.
that is so cool, kayla, all those sweet things you said about brian. :) happy and poor is MUCH better than rich, stressed, and in debt.
And I thought I had a crazy summer. It was crazy, but not your kind of crazy. I'm so glad your summer is over and hopefully you can feel more at peace now that a few things have settled. So did you buy the house or are you renting? Nice car and price to pay, too! Way to be savvy. Brian, I can't believe you actually want to clean people's cars. But then again, I've had three jobs cleaning other people's houses. Though I'm not sure which would be worse. Kayla, once again I have to tell you that I admire you and think about you whenever I have to do something hard and how you handle things that ate hard. You are a strength to me. And what you said about your hubby was very sweet. :)
Our radiator had a little crack where a bolt is supposed to go, so instead of speanding 80 bucks to get a new radiator Ross took it out and went to a welding shop in town and had it fixed up for less than 30.00. Consider it.
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