Monday, December 20, 2010

Vacation in Austin/Randomness

I've been lazy with my camera lately and have no current pics of what we have been up to. However, we did some great things in October and November that I haven't gotten around to posting about so buckle up because here comes a long one!

We vacationed in Austin and San Antonio a while back. We figured we had better take advantage of Texas highlights while they were so accessible. We saw the bigger-than-White-House state capitol, we remembered the Alamo, we had fun swimming in the Hotel pool, we visited the San Antonio temple grounds, and we stayed with relatives.


TEMPLE GROUNDS--David in bare feet and short sleeves Oct. 30 (for the record the average temp tomorrow, Dec. 21st, is 82 degrees. Madness I say.)



Now we have a few pics of pure randomness. One day I decided that I needed to have photo shoot with David. I have bad luck taking pictures and admit I don't know much about photography at all. No matter, David thought the photo shoot was lame anyway so my creative work turned to shambles.

The last straw--"I hate your photo shoot ideas mom!"

Random picture #2. Yard/Garage sales are THE BOMB in Houston. This is David and I shamoozing it up out there. Do you see how lame our sale was? I barely put anything out there and I made 27 bucks. And the kid wasn't even included in the sale!

Random pic #3--New Testament photo submission. That's right. I heard all about the New Testament Project that the church was doing. Now I typically feel weird putting pics of just myself on here, and you can see how the photo isn't that great, but I'd pass for a Israelite woman right? This is my big break. I've been told forever that I look "exotic" or "Egyptian" or "Persian" or (my favorite) like a Bratz doll. Now I can put my features to good use and blend in to the background of a scene in Jerusalem. Ah the life. Oh and I haven't heard back from them and my photo has been submitted for months so I probably didn't make the cut...but still.

Random #4---Witch Finger Cookies! Brian told me to make him a treat to take Home Teaching. He was given new assignments (all incactive or brand new converts) so I made them jokingly at first but he ended up using them. And hey, they tasted good. This was obviously back in October. These are a spooky treat and super fun and easy to make. If I remember I'll do a tutorial next October.

And just because this is cute...he has such a cute face with his big blue eyes and rosy red lips.


Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

I liked your random post! That was a whole lotta fun!

82 degrees?! Are you KIDDING ME?! We should switch places! It is 3 degrees here and there is 2 feet of snow on the least! BLECK!

Bethany Sines said...

hahaha you've actually been told that you look like a bratz doll!!?? hahahaha that just made my WEEK!!! you are SO much prettier than those slutty dolls, oh my heck. : ) who in the world would ever put you in that same random category. : ) sigh, sometimes i don't get people. but dude, you totally could pass for an israelite woman and joe totally has say in the church's casting for lots of these kinds of things, so don't give up too quickly cause i'm totally going to push for you. you and shiloh potter both have those looks so i'll always throw your name in there to him. : ) that would be fun.

Jessica :) said...

I am sorry to hear about your 82 degrees of warmth. If I could, I would send you some of our snow!
I don't think you look anything like a Bratz doll. Bleh. Though I could certainly see exotic. You are beautiful! :D Good luck with the casting! That sounds like fun!
I love seeing your photos from your vacation. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun and saw some good stuff! And I love your "photo shoot" photos. Isn't is great how kids always have their own ideas about how things are going to go down? Livie pretty much never cooperates for me!

Gear Gang said...

now wye did you not come to the christmas party??????? i miss yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS, TELL ME WHAT YOU GOT ILOVE YOU ,BRAIN ,DAVED, XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO HUGS AND KISSES LOVE KAITLYN BYE-BYE, P.S. AMY MOVED TO UTAH !!!!!!