Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Me at the Warehouse

Yesterday I went to Costco for the first time ever. Nothing made me feel more like a mormon mom than going to Costco and coming home with three hundred bucks in snacks, diapers, formula, and toilet paper. I feel like I've undergone some rite of passage. I went with a friend so I actually haven't bought a membership yet. Pretty sure I'll take the plunge though.

I got home and realized the butter was in a huge square cube. As was the cream cheese. Not too happy about dividing that up.

Also, I bought a ton of food, yet I have no idea what to make for dinner tonight. I thought that would be a cinch since I did, after all, buy three hundred dollars worth of stuff. Isn't coming up with a dinner plan the worst sometimes?

I loved the samples. So did David. Seriously. Tomato bisque and Clam Chowder? Fancy cheeses and yummy brownies? I'll take a small bite of that stuff over Peanut Butter and Jelly at home any day. I felt so fancy. But you know I did notice that most of the trays bore one tired looking sample when really the sample givers had a fresh tray of their delights stashed away. I realized that the people that approached them got a fresh one. I thought it was a coincidence but a lot of the booths were like that. I figured a huge tray of fresh samples probably get inhaled quickly and are harder to monitor. Not to mention sneaky little kids that probably grab 3 or 4 brownie samples if possible. So funny little trick I thought.

Well other than the giant blob of butter and cream cheese, I only made one mistake...wait no, I made two mistakes. First was that I only brought one loaf of bread to the counter when I was supposed to somehow know that they were priced in pairs, so I had to RUN to the corner of the store to pick up my other loaf. It took a long time because Costco is like, huge. The second mistake is that I bought wastebasket liners. They ended up being these ultra transparent super thin garbage bags...think the trash cans you see at church. Brian and I laughed at this for a while. How am I supposed to know that wastebasket liners and trash bags are not the same thing? All I saw was that I could get 500 wastebasket liners for the price of 240 trash bags. So with 500 of these puppies we are set for...wait and I'll do the math...about a year and a half. And that's IF we dump the garbage at least once a day.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Nathan the Greathan!

Have you noticed that I haven't posted pictures of my family for a few months? It is because our computer had zero disc space left so I couldn't download them. But now we have cleaned up our computer and so I have some fun pictures to share.

Nate is now six months old!

His newest trick is sitting up. He is getting better at it everyday.

He starred as baby Jesus in the Christmas nativity. Notice the cute shepherd boy with the wild hair in the background.

Nathan's middle name is Douglas after my grandfather, father, and brother. It is a family name. I love these men so much. I've always known that I wanted to use it as a middle name and when we had Nathan it seemed like the right time. Here is a picture of my dad, grandpa, and Nate. I share a birthday with my grandpa. We've always had a great relationship.

Nathan is such a joy. He has gained more weight. He still isn't on the growth chart yet though. He is 13 pounds 2 ounces. Out of 200 kids he would be the second smallest, which is an upgrade from being the very smallest at 3 months the doc said. We anticipate him being on the growth chart by 9 months. He eats so much I still can't believe that he is so small.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

And We Survived

This month we...

Got sick then got better.
Pushed through rehearsal after rehearsal, then concert after concert.
Drove 25 hours to Utah in one straight shot with two little ones.
Sang I Am a Child of God at least 600 times to keep David happy on the road.

Had a crazy fun vacation in Utah with the Salisbury family.
Drove 25 hours to Texas in one straight shot with two little ones, Christmas gifts, luggage, a bike trailer (thanks Amy, we've already used it!), and
A Mormon in the White House on cd.
Sang I Am a Child of God 600 more times.
Cleaned up puke #1 on our drive home at 3 in the morning. Poor David.
Got sick again.
Puked again--twice. This time at home which was more convenient.
Finding Nemo about 3 times a day for a week.
Ruptured an ear drum. Poor David. I promise I try to be a good mom.
A fall out of the car seat off the table and onto the tile floor while I was reminding David to stay in bed. (Don't know how Nate pulled that off, promise to buckle him in from now on when I feed him his sweet potatoes).

And we survived! Amazing :o)!