Friday, February 18, 2011

The Gender of Baby Two

Sorry no fun pictures or anything to go along with this, but in case you are interested, Brian and I found out we are having another BOY.

We are really excited about this. The boys get to go to HS together. Maybe play on the same soccer team...or more likely be in the same orchestra (ha!). Or even more likely they'll have their own interests. But we do hope they'll be good friends.

I really like Nathan or Benjamin for a name. We'll see if one of those sticks.


Jessica :) said...

Yea! Congratulations!! I'm sure your boys will be great friends and you will all have a lot of fun together!

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

Oh Kayla, that will be SO great! Growing up with Lisa so close to my age was fantastic! Granted we were at each others throats with all the teenage drams, but hey...we were girls. Other than that drama we always had someone to play with! We played Barbies, Little People and when mom was dating we would play "Boyfriend & Girlfriend" Hahaha!

David will certainly be happy to have a little buddy and you will be happy he has one! It does take a bit of a load off when you are not the sole provider of entertainment! :)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE NATHAN! I mean really, if I could have more kids, my next boy would be Nathan! FO SHO! Of course, I really like Benjamin too! I do love the good old classics for boys!

Liesel said...

Congrats!!! I like Nathan too....(my husband that is)

Courtney and Tyson said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you! I personally love having boys! It will be so fun for them to play together! You are adding to my theory of a modern day Stripling Warrior scenario. Everyone I know is having boy after boy after boy! I'm hoping the reason is that they're going to be great missionaries rather than warriors:) Congrats!

Abby said...

Yay!!! Congrats! It's great having kids close together. Hard, yes, but great! :)

Vivian said...

Benjamin is a great name ;) We sure love our little Ben.