Friday, September 10, 2010

Holy Moly is that Justin Bieber!?

Made you look!

I bet you're all jealous you're not married to Justin's twin. I mean, hello? What a hottie!

I thought it was "Justin Beaver" for a long time. If I misspelled his real name it is because I don't know anything about him...other than a short clip I saw of him getting hit with a water bottle on stage. But I do know that he has that brown swoosh hair that is so alike my hubby's new hairstyle.

Okay, okay. It isn't really his new hairstyle. Brian will never part from the part.

And I don't really think they look alike.

Have a great day!


Courtney and Tyson said...

Hahaha! I bet I would think it was funnier if I had ever seen Justin Bieber...Beaver. .. whatever his name is:)

Rachel LaVerda said...

i am dying laughing so hard. i think i just peed. i love you.