Monday, August 15, 2011

Life Right Now

Life right now is fascinating to me.

I have two kids...more like two babies...that require a lot of attention.

I have a husband that is about to start a job as a middle school assistant choir director. Sixth graders, watch out!

I have an awesome little house that I love.

I wake up to feed Nathan and before I know it I have David standing at the side of my bed. I sleep furthest from the door to avoid this, but he still comes to my side. Yes our toddler is now in a toddler bed. I'm still getting used to this, and get really freaked out when he comes in unawares. The other night I was brushing my teeth when I caught a glimpse of something moving. It was David. I tried to hide how startled I was by acting cool. It came out in a high pitched, much too loud and relieved "Oh hey David!". Brian teases me. David is funny because we say "find your bed David" and he points to the door and runs as fast as he can to it and goes back to sleep. I sometimes think he might be sleep walking.

I have dead cockroaches in my garbage disposal that have been pushed out of the drain pipe that connects to the dishwasher. They smell like poop. I have Brian fish them out with a gloved hand. The first time we discovered one was when I fished one out. And my hand was not gloved. I did a freaky bug dance big time. I don't think I've jumped that high in years. I hate cockroaches and didn't know much about them until I moved to Texas. Do you know that they love electronics? The dishwasher repair man said so. I would like someone to explain that to me.

Truly we have been blessed. Brian is excited about his job. I'm just trying to keep my head above water for now.

We can't find our camera. I'm a bit devastated because the only pictures I have of Nathan are of him as a newborn in the hospital and he is five weeks old. But when I find it, I'll share his cuteness with you.


Jessica :) said...

Sounds like you are so busy! I can believe that David finds you when he gets out of his bed. Isn't that just about what all kids do - find mommy? I'm glad he seems to be doing well in his toddler bed, even if you do have to direct him back to it occasionally.
Pretty sure I would be startled if I saw something/one out of the corner of my eye, too! Actually, that happens to me just with shadows. I'm pretty jumpy. Maybe we'll keep Livie out of toddler beds for a loooonnnggg time. ;) I think I would also jump with the cockroach. I'm sorry you have that problem. That's kinda nasty. Can you not just send them back down the disposal? I don't know much about cockroaches. One {of the many} reason I'm glad I live in Idaho.
Good luck with the new house and adjusting to Brian's new job. Have a great time at work, Brian! Just one tidbit of knowledge for you: middle school-ers are loud. They like to talk. But they can be so fun! Oh, wait. That was more than one. :) Anyway, love ya guys! Good luck with everything - especially finding your camera! :D

Abby said...

Haha, Kayla you crack me up. I know what you mean about having two babies. That was SO us 19 months ago. Now, thankfully, Lilimae is definitely not a baby anymore, but Lincoln still is in my mind and I fear we will be going through the two-baby stage yet once again once this next baby comes, even though he (hopefully) will have turned 2 by then.

Good luck with the toddler bed! We put Lilimae in one right after she turned two and along with that we put a safety doorknob on the inside of her door so she couldn't get out on her own. Some people would call that strict but it seriously worked wonders. She continued sleeping through the night from the get-go.

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

I'm glad to hear you are enjoying life a bit right now! Aren't you so glad you are doing what you are doing, instead of out trying to find a home right now? I am telling you, the Lord knows just what is best, doesn't He?

The cockroach thing is beyond me! I couldn't do it! Honestly! I mean, even the thought and I get the dry heaves! Good luck with that one sister! :)

Love you! And can't wait for pics!

Matt and Kim said...

ya i was definitely wanting some pics :) but anyways we need to chat. i have some pretty cool news :)
i miss you like crazy!!!!

The Piepers said...

Oh, this post cracked me up. Maybe because I can relate to both the freaking out when a kid sneaks up on you when he should be sleeping and also the disgust of bugs. Especially the big ones. Thanks for the laugh. If you guys want, we can get together and take lots of pictures!!! It would be fun. :) Hang in there!!