Sunday, January 8, 2012

And We Survived

This month we...

Got sick then got better.
Pushed through rehearsal after rehearsal, then concert after concert.
Drove 25 hours to Utah in one straight shot with two little ones.
Sang I Am a Child of God at least 600 times to keep David happy on the road.

Had a crazy fun vacation in Utah with the Salisbury family.
Drove 25 hours to Texas in one straight shot with two little ones, Christmas gifts, luggage, a bike trailer (thanks Amy, we've already used it!), and
A Mormon in the White House on cd.
Sang I Am a Child of God 600 more times.
Cleaned up puke #1 on our drive home at 3 in the morning. Poor David.
Got sick again.
Puked again--twice. This time at home which was more convenient.
Finding Nemo about 3 times a day for a week.
Ruptured an ear drum. Poor David. I promise I try to be a good mom.
A fall out of the car seat off the table and onto the tile floor while I was reminding David to stay in bed. (Don't know how Nate pulled that off, promise to buckle him in from now on when I feed him his sweet potatoes).

And we survived! Amazing :o)!


Courtney and Tyson said...

Sounds like it's been crazy! I wish I could have gone to the reception to see you guys! Don't worry, Callan fell out of his stroller TWICE when he was a few months old. It made me feel terrible! I always buckle now:)You are such a good mom:)

Alea said...

Um... I did a 25 hour drive a couple times... On a bus... With a bunch of college cheerleaders... And I thought THAT was bad!

I bet it was worth it though. :)

Bart and Em said...

Wow! I am highly impressed. Not many people could do it! P.S. We all know that you are an amazing mom!

Jessica :) said...

Whew! Craziness. I'm super glad you survived. I hope everyone is feeling lots better and no more sickness comes around your house for a long time.
And I think you're a great mom. :)

Zarsky Family said...

Way to go! Hopefully germs will stay away for a while :)