Thursday, June 14, 2012

11 Questions

My friend tagged me in this so I'm doing it. I love these kind of things...don't you?

11 Questions: Post these rules
Post a photo and eleven random things about yourself
Answer the questions provided by the one who tagged you
Create eleven new questions for the people you tag
Contact those you choose and let them know they've been tagged

11 Random Things About Myself:

1. I floss my teeth every single day.
2. I have TMJ problems and had to wear an ugly mouth guard 24/7 right after I was married. I still have issues and can't chew gum or eat popcorn or raw carrots anymore. Pooh.
3. I'm still trying to figure out this whole motherhood thing. But oh how I love my children!
4. I'm going to Girls Camp next week. We get to stay in air conditioned cabins. It is the Texas way. Yee haw.
5. I used to be a huge trouble-maker/prankster in middle school and even high school. I did some pretty crazy things. I regret it and get teased about it relentlessly by my family.
6. I am a direct descendant of Pocahontas.
7. I was a radio broadcaster for NPR and a religious radio station while I attended BYU-Idaho. I really loved it.
8. I have legit nightmares and wake up screaming on a regular basis. It freaks my husband out.
9. When we first moved to Texas my husband was victim of a gang initiation crime. It is a pretty funny and slightly scary story. I'll have to write about it sometime.
10. My husband wrote me a song and used the Men's Choir at BYU-Idaho to propose. I got a special VIP performance of it (he almost did it at the actual concert). Best engagement story ever.
11. I started a field on fire once with my friend when I was a little girl. It was a close call. My dad was a fireman at the time.

  1. If you could live one day over again, what day would it be?---Most definitely my wedding day.
  2. What is one thing you miss from your childhood?---Being near my family and friends. I miss my Utah stomping grounds so so much.
  3. If you had 24 hours to live what would you do?---Hug and Kiss my children all day and lecture Brian about not getting remarried. Just kidding of course....maybe.
  4. If you had to eat one thing the rest of your life, what would it be?---I really can't answer this question. I have tried and tried.
  5. Favorite date night with your husband?---Once we went to a Fun Zone place that had those fast track race cars. We just went to see if we wanted to go mini-golfing there but got caught up watching these little kids race each other on the track. We watched them for a good hour or two and laughed hysterically. Maybe you had to be there but some of those kids were going so fast and would crash into each other or the wall. It was hilarious...and didn't cost a dime.
  6. Salty or sweet?---Sweet. But not sugary. We're talking ice cream and cinnamon rolls. Not skittles and twizzlers...yucky.
  7. What is one of your favorite memories from high school?---I had some really great memories in choir. I remember when I made the choir I auditioned for it was a happy day and a huge blessing to me (I realized later).
  8. What would be your dream vacation?---I really would like to go to a perfect beach. Or Vail/Eagle/Aspen Colorado.
  9. What is one thing that always makes your day better?---Scripture study. Personal meditation and reflection. Journal writing.
  10. What is one thing you love about yourself?---I keep trying.
  11. What is your biggest fear?---Intruders.I can't imagine having someone come in to my house to hurt me or my kids. A close second...never being able to eat ice-cream again or losing my legs...wait no, my arms.

Okay so I don't have time to come up with my own questions so I'm just going to re-use my friend's (getting ready to leave for Camp and Utah and have a million projects to finish).

I'm going to pass this off to Bethany and Alea...Bethany I chose you because you haven't updated in a while and I miss your posts. Alea, I know you read this blog and I would find your answers amusing.

Thanks for thinking of me Amy! That was fun!


Alea said...

Haha! Oh man, how did I know that I would find my name at the bottom of this post? Hehe... I'm not sure I could come up with 11 random things that are actually interesting like yours.

...Air conditioned cabins? Seriously?!

Alea said...

There ya go. :)