Monday, October 26, 2009

Pregnancy Update (not a birth announcement)

No pictures today. Just wanted to let those who have been wondering know that baby David flipped head-down. We are rearing to go and can't wait until those painful contractions start. I think baby and mommy are ready to get him out of there! Brian and I are really excited and boy do I feel fatigued and stretched. We can't wait until my Mom arrives! Another bonus of having a baby is that you get to have your mother take care of you again! Yay! Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze a post or two in before baby comes.

Any words of advice before labor starts?


Alea said...

No advice... But you can send some my way anytime you want! :) I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to see your little David!...

I think we need a belly picture, though!

Jessica :) said...

This is exciting!! I just can't wait . . . well, I probably can but I'm sure you guys can't! :) I wish you lived closer so I could see him up close . . . but I'll just have to deal! Anyway, I don't have any advise, at least not really. Actually, I do: go out to dinner with Brian one last time before the baby comes and sleep in! There, that's my advise. Oh, and I saved this link ages ago about a "frugal gift for mom's to be" . . . unfortunately I'm not doing my job as your friend and giving it to you as a gift {shame on me, I know} but I'll pass on the idea so you can make your own! The ideas in the gift I thought were awesome - such great things to have at the hospital:

Abby said...

Yay!! This is very good news! Lilimae was head-down from week 32 on so I was very blessed to not have to worry much last time. If I could only be that lucky this time... I am so excited for you two (or three, I guess)!! I agree that we need a belly picture, though. At least one more before little David arrives! I love the name, by the way.

My advice: Interview Brian (video or write it down) and have him interview you about your pregnancy and about how you have anticipated your baby and what he means to you. Talk about what you are anticipating most and how you think life's going to be after he's born.

Miss you guys! Good luck!!

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

ENJOY IT! I would have a million babies if I didn't have to go through the pregnancy stuff (If I could even get to that point...well, that would help!) and I only had the Labor stuff. It is exciting, amazing and there is NOTHING like it! I loved every bit of it! The anticipation is the best!

My sis in law Jas said that she loved that just before she had the baby, when she was getting most impatient, I said, "Jas, I want you to spend the day doing whatever you want. Take a moment every once in a while and enjoy getting out of the car and just being able to walk into the store without unbuckling and bundling a little person. Then enjoy just walking around and looking at what you want to look at and spending as much time as you would like, no one to cry, poo or shreak out a protest against their hungry tummy that will stop your fun. Bum around. Do what YOU want all day. Enjoy your alone-ness. Then wake up in the morning when you want and enjoy that too. It will be your last time and you will always wish you would have appreciated that a little more."

Not that the interuptions aren't the best thing that ever happened to you, cause they are, but just enjoy your ability to do what you want a little longer.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE you guys! Can't wait to see that cute little man!

Bethany Sines said...

you're in my prayers!!! i'm so excited for you. you can do it!!