Thursday, August 26, 2010

David's Sense of Humor

A while ago Brian caught me and David playing a game. I'm so glad we have this footage! My mom said when I was a baby I would find the humor in things and laugh and she would be surprised that I got the joke. That is how I feel about this clip. I can't believe David is getting old enough to pretend! He cracked me up so much I'm almost embarrassed to post this. I had tears in my eyes! Isn't his little laugh funny? Don't forget to check out David's kisses on the previous post.

Baby Kisses

Okay I couldn't resist getting some footage of David's kisses. They're just too good! So a week or so ago I grabbed my camera and got it! The last minute is a little boring but shows off his get-in-to-everything skills.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Rambling Rexburger

There are so many reasons why I just adore this couple. They are totally awesome and have taken the "Burg" by storm. Anyway, if you want to follow an awesome blog I suggest the Rambling Rexburger.
My brother is just getting this blog up and running. This is not a family blog but more of a place for Ty to share his opinions, thoughts, and ideas about life. Check it out. You won't be sorry.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Adapting to Motherhood

Motherhood is tricky business.

David is getting into everything. I mean it. Everything. I suppose this is no news to veteran mothers but I seriously didn't know that they would get into like...everything.

For example, David is pulling an old piece of floss out of the office garbage. Yuck.

I almost took pictures of the messes he has made but decided against it. They aren't flattering and make me look like a slob. He can take down my whole apartment in about 5 minutes.

The funny thing is I have gotten to the point where I clean up just so he can do it all over again.

Why would I do that? Because he is at an age where he needs something to do or else he'll hold on to my leg and cry until I hold him.

David climbs. The only thing weird about this to me is that he is only 9 months old. He doesn't walk but he can climb up the stairs on his own. He climbs on top of boxes, books, toys, etc. I'm totally freaked out for his future.

Motherhood is not easy and not for the faint of heart. The other day I actually watched a baby poop sideshow. Disgusting. But I was worried that David was not quite normal in that area. I'll tell you one thing right now...never submit yourself to watching picture after picture of abnormal baby poop. Yep. I'm scarred for life.

But motherhood has its perks. There is a lot to laugh at. You know how babies do that thing where they tense up their little bodies and it looks like their head are about to pop off? David loves doing that. I think it makes him feel powerful. He forces out these little baby words in a stream of grunts and his face turns bright red. He makes his hand into little fists like he really means business. Well the other day he was in the bathtub...standing up of course...and he did the grunt thing so hard that a little wet fart came out. I don't know what hit me but I thought that was SOOO funny. Probably because he put in a whole lot of effort for such a tiny noise.


Wow I have a lot to learn about this mommy thing still. But it is fun. Especially when I get those open mouth kisses that babies are so good at. It is such a joy to realize how incredibly important you are to a child.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Donald, Where's yer Troosers?

A few days ago Brian came downstairs singing a catchy little tune and doing a silly little dance.
He showed me this clip that my mom sent us and I could have died laughing. The more I watch it the more I realize that this little guy, Stuart Anderson, was just like my husband as a child. They even look alike! Brian sang and danced throughout his childhood and I couldn't appreciate this clip more. Hahaha.

Kudos kilt boy! You did your job well!