Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Conductors

Brian gave his senior conducting recital at the U of H about a week ago. This was a huge achievement and a lot of work! The recital was a success. I'm so grateful for a hard working husband...and he is so talented! We'll be able to show close family/friends a DVD of his performance once it is finished. This little clip is of David "conducting" with Brian when we popped the CD in to listen to. The song in the background is "Untraveled Worlds" and was the last song on the program. The quality isn't great but you get the idea...


Emily said...

That is adorable!!

And way to go Brian. That is a great accomplishment. I happen to know how much work that takes.

Very cool.

Alea said...

Yay Brian! And Yay David! He's going to grow up and be just like his daddy. :)

Clara just waves and waves at our conductor in church. It keeps her pretty entertained.

Jessica :) said...

SOOO fun! I really love that David loves music so much! He is just perfect for your family!

Congrats, Brian! I'm glad everything went so well and that your recital was such a success. You're seriously almost done with your Masters! Yay!!

Kayla - I think we need a baby bump update! ;)